How to get mud out of carpet, Corona, CA
OK, so it’s’ been raining a lot in the Corona area and by “a lot” I mean a metric ton. Unfortunately, with all this rain we get muddy carpets no matter how careful we try to be.
The good news is that you should not need a professional carpet cleaner, unless of course it’s an extremely large area and you just don’t have the time.
The first thing to do is go get some coffee and hang out with the kids or whatever you do to kill time, but you need to wait until the mud is completely dry. After the mud has had time to dry, you can break it up with a towel or an old hair brush but be sure not to be too aggressive and smear it into the carpet.
Then you will need to vacuum. Make several passes going each direction, try not to walk on large mud clumps so as to not embed the mud into the carpet. If you do not have a decent vacuum cleaner then buy one. A good vacuum will extend your carpet’s lifespan by years.
Once the particulate matter has been removed you will need to grab the carpet spotter you use. Or mix a very small amount of dish washing soap in water. With a white towel blot the area, do not scrub. Scrubbing on carpet can cause abrasion and make matters worse. Afterwards blot dry with a clean white towel.
If after all this you cannot get the mud out, just call your local carpet cleaning professional and be sure that the company uses hot water extraction. Professional carpet cleaners will always be able to get mud out of carpets.
Many people love the look and feel of carpet but worry about them affecting their allergies. However, it’s possible to have carpets and rugs in your home without causing allergic reactions. It just takes some special planning and a bit of extra care.
A small rug by the front door can help catch dirt and dust that the welcome mat missed. This rug can be beaten out or even thrown into the wash to remove dust, dirt and allergens before they make their way further into your home.
If you make it a habit to remove your shoes as soon as you get home, you can significantly cut down on the dust and allergens that are brought into the house. You can even keep a basket of slippers for guests so that taking shoes off is a pleasant ritual for everyone.
Many vacuums just wind up stirring up allergens and making them airborne. Vacuums and vacuum cleaner bags with the right sort of filters can pick up dirt, dust and allergens like animal dander and keep them out of the air in the room. Look into what is available for your current vacuum or buy a new one that has better filters built in.
When you vacuum, focus especially well on the areas that get the most traffic. These should get at least a dozen passes, alternating direction so that you get access to areas that might otherwise be missed.
No matter how good your vacuum cleaner is, it’s still leaving behind some allergens. Experts recommend that you get carpets professionally cleaned one to two times a year to make sure they are truly clean. This deep cleaning can eliminate pollen, dust and dirt that otherwise leave you sneezing.
For deep cleaning, get in touch with the carpet cleaning service Corona, CA trusts. For over thirty years, we have been providing excellent service. At Corona Tile and Carpet Cleaning, we work hard to assure that your carpets are thoroughly cleaned and free from dust, dander, pollen and other allergens. Contact us about deep cleaning today.
Remember, quick action in cleaning stains and odors protects your carpet and furniture investment. Relying on an expert will ensure the carpets and upholstery in your home receives the care and maintenance it deserves.
Get Out Stains Before Your Next Denver Carpet Cleaning, Corona, CA
It’s never any fun to see a stain appear on your carpets, whether big or small. They’re usually left behind as unintentional mementos from family gatherings, parties, or just everyday clumsiness. It isn’t practical to call a carpet cleaning company in Corona every time a stain happens, so here is what you can do for damage control before your next appointment.
Get the Ink Out
Ink stains aren’t usually big; that’s the good news. The bad news is if they’re not taken care of immediately, they can be really hard to remove later. For ink stains you’ll need a cloth and some Q-tips, rubbing alcohol, and cold water.
Apply the rubbing alcohol to a Q-tip or cloth and very carefully treat the immediate area where the ink stain is. It is very important to just treat the stain and not the surrounding carpet with alcohol because this could cause the stain to spread.
Apply and blot several times until the stain is removed. After this is done, use a clean towel with cold water to blot the area in order to remove the excess alcohol.
Coffee Stains
These are probably the most common stains found on carpets, but if the proper steps are taken, they can be removed fairly easily.
The first thing to do is to make a cleaning solution to remove the coffee stains. This can be done by mixing together one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of warm water.
Blot as much coffee as you can with a damp cloth or paper towel. Then apply the solution with the towel and blot the coffee stain. Then, after this, blot with a dry towel or paper napkin. Repeat these steps until the coffee stain is gone.
For coffee stains that contain milk or cream, replace the dishwashing liquid with an enzyme laundry detergent.
Make Your Own All-Purpose Stain Remover
This emergency stain remover will work on many food-based stains. The ratio of this solution is one part dishwashing liquid and two parts of hydrogen peroxide. You can double or triple this ratio to make a spray bottle worth for stain remover. Apply directly to the stain and blot dry.
Many home advice columns say this solution is magical in its ability to remove stains and outperforms even the expensive stuff you can buy off the shelf at the supermarket.
While carpets are relatively easy to vacuum in order to remove the surface dirt, odors are another matter entirely. This is because the odor causing materials are often found deep down in the carpet right down to the padding. Removing the odors effectively will depend in large part on the cause and the amount of smell that they are creating.
However, removing the odors from your carpet generally does not require anything expensive or exotic. All you really need is a few common household items which will remove most of the odors. Here are a few steps you should take in order to remove the odors from your carpeting.
Open up the windows and turn on the fan over the carpeted area that is giving off the odors. If the odor is light the source of it may dry up and blow away with a little airing out of the room. If that doesn’t do the trick or the odor is coming from a stronger source, then you’ll want to take the next step.
You may have run the vacuum before over this area, but you will want to try it at a deeper level to see if what is causing the odor can be pulled up by your vacuum cleaner. You’ll want to use a stronger vacuum if you can and really go over the area to see if that has any effect. If your pet has been shedding their hair along the area, this may clear it out along with the odor as well. However, if the smell is still persistent then you’ll want to break out a common household cleaner.
Baking soda can do quite a few things and removing odors is one of them. Sprinkle the area where the odor is coming from with the baking soda and use a brush or a broom to get it into the carpet fibers. Once it disappears, you’ll want to add some more baking soda on top and then let it sit there for up to 48 hours. During that time, whatever is causing the odors to occur is going to be soaked up by the baking soda. After a couple of days, you can vacuum up the area and that should take care of the odor issue. However, if for some reason the odor is still present you can try another approach.
Vinegar is in some ways the opposite of baking soda, but it is also a powerful cleanser as well. If the carpet odor is deep, you’ll want to apply a fair amount of vinegar, but you don’t want to soak the carpet. Let it sit for around 30 minutes so that the vinegar can really get at the odor causing agents. Then, blot up the vinegar with a cloth and spray on some water to help the process along. The vinegar will cause its own smell, but that should go away fairly quickly and it should take away the smell. However, if that does not do the trick, then you have one final trick up your sleeve.
Since this may damage your carpet, just use a tiny amount at first to see what happens. Then, if it does no damage use it the same way you did the vinegar.
If that doesn’t work, it’s time to call in the professionals and have them deal with the smell.
When you get home at the end of a busy day, it feels good to take a nice deep breath in anticipation of a quiet evening indoors. That is what home is supposed to be; a refuge from the hectic world outside. But when you take that nice deep breath, do you ever stop to consider the quality of the air in your home?
Humidity Plays an Important Role in Indoor Air Quality The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommends maintaining indoor relative humidity levels between 30% and 50% for human health and comfort.
Exclude – Keep contaminants out. Keeping contaminants out of the home can be challenging because most airborne particles are tiny and can be everywhere. Pollen, carbon, mold spores, organic matter, insect matter, pollution, and plain old dirt enter the home, transported on air currents, clothing and shoes. By keeping doors and windows closed, removing shoes when entering and immediately changing your clothing after dusty activities like yard work, you can reduce the entry of pollutants.
Capture – filter and contain that which enters. When airborne particles enter your home, they remain suspended for a period of time. Those that are larger or denser drop out of the air and settle on surfaces. Smaller, lighter particles remain suspended longer, and are best removed by air filtration devices and the filter on your home’s HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) system. Use high quality pleated filters designed for your HVAC. Clean – remove pollutants from surfaces. Eventually, particles settle on surfaces such as floors, furniture, counters, window sills, shelves and walls. Vacuuming and dusting remove most of the particles, but make sure that your vacuum cleaner has good filtration also.
Hard surfaces can be cleaned with electrostatic dusters or dust cloths that attract and hold particles, or by wiping hard surfaces with a damp cloth and wet mopping floors. Other surfaces such as carpet, area rugs and upholstery will require periodic professional cleaning to remove accumulated soils and pollutants.
Steam Cleaner and Vacuum: The Best Combo, Corona, CA
No one relishes the idea of having a carpet steam cleaner come into their home to deep clean their carpeting; but it is a necessity for a variety of reasons, including the fact that many carpeting manufacturers require professional steam cleaning to maintain their warranties and steam cleaning just leaves carpeting looking and feeling better.
Vacuuming Occasionally Isn’t Enough
You like to think that you can take care of your own carpeting by vacuuming occasionally and blotting up any stains that happen; but the reality is that DIY carpet maintenance just isn’t enough. One reason for that is that most people don’t vacuum often enough. Twice a week vacuuming is optimal – more often if you have pets – for keeping loose dirt and debris out of your carpeting and for keeping allergens out of your carpeting and out of your indoor air. The HEPA filter on your vacuum cleaner doesn’t do any good if you’re only vacuuming every once in awhile.
Professional Steam Cleaning Is A Necessity
Dirt, bacteria and allergens can find their way deep into your carpeting even with regular vacuuming. A steam cleaner in Corona, CA can reach deep into the fibers of your carpeting, even through the backing and padding, to pull out those gross things you don’t want in your home. What isn’t removed is killed by the heat of the steam. This professional steam cleaning helps to keep your air cleaner and your family healthier; in addition, it also helps you to maintain your carpeting’s warranty. Many manufacturers require a professional steam cleaning at least every 12 to 18 months.
DIY Steam Cleaning Hurts More Than It Helps
You may think that renting or buying a steam cleaner to use yourself is a viable alternative to professional steam cleaning. Unfortunately, the equipment that you can rent or buy isn’t as efficient at cleaning and extracting water from your carpeting as professional equipment is. You also don’t have the training that the pros have when it comes to steam cleaning and that can mean that you’ll either apply too much water to your carpets or extract too little – or both. Too much water left in your carpeting over time can lead to mold growth, which means your DIY cleaning has hurt more than it helped.
Carpet Cleaning Tips
When you vacuum your carpeting, do it slowly to let the machine do its job efficiently.
Choose carpeting that collects less dust, like low-pile or looped-pile.
Keep area rugs clean, too. Vacuum them frequently and take them outside to beat them with a broom to remove deeper dirt.
Blot spills immediately. Don’t wait and hope that your off-the-shelf spot cleaner will work miracles.
Affordable Carpet Cleaning, Corona, CA
Affordable Carpet Cleaning is what most customers look for on a daily bases that is why you should call us here at Corona Tile and Carpet Cleaning Today to learn about our all in one deals & see how we will help you save big.
Our Company offers all in one deals to help customers save time and money on there carpet cleaning. A lot of companies will offer customers a basic steam cleaning for a great price but in reality the price is not really a great deal. All carpet fibers should be cleaned the right way. Water and steam alone will not get your carpets clean. Here is what a basic carpet cleaning should come with.
1st. Step All Carpets Should be Pre Vacuumed to pick up all loose partials dirt & dust of the ground.
2nd. All Carpets Should have a Pre Treatment whether the company a customer calls uses a Shampoo a soil lifter or a Natural cleaner.
3rd. All carpets should have a deep cleaning performed on the fibers whether it is a Hot water extraction or a deep steam cleaning.
4th All carpets should receive a light or heavy layer of Deodorizer or Maximum odor Control.
5th. The last and Final step that the Tech that is at your home should take is doing the final grooming of your carpet the tech should use a light bristled fiber rake on your carpet to groom it as if you were brushing you hair after a Shower.
Not all Companies offer all in one deals like this. Most companies will tell you a great price you would like to hear over the phone until there tech arrives to your home and then you may see a price change also known as bait & switch.
How to Remove 5 of the Most Common Stains, Corona, CA
Spilling something on your favorite carpet or rug or finding a stain on a notable place on your clothing, be it jeans or top, are both very annoying. A quick wipe up with a moist cloth works wonders on some stains, but others are exceedingly bothering to rid of. Stains can be a real pain, but in the most cases you can minimize the possibility of getting permanent stains and the long-term damage of your clothing piece and carpet by acting promptly. The following 5 suspects are all known for their stubbornness, but here you can learn some practical tips on how to make them vanish from sight, leaving your the affected items looking like brand new! If you don’t what risk it, you should contact professional carpet cleaning service in Corona, CA.
- Sauce or Ketchup – Ketchup and sauces, such as tomato sauce, can hang around on your carpet for longer than you’d like if you don’t act swiftly. First, remove any excess ketchup or sauce, especially if the stain has just occurred, then rinse the affected area with cold water. Next, pour some detergent onto a sponge and soak the spot with warm water, slowly blotting at the spot with the sponge. If the stain is ultra suborn and won’t move, try blotting it gently with methylated spirits. Finally, wash the area.
- Chewing gum – This annoying adversity is a real pain when it comes to sticking to your favorite carpet. If you find yourself in that situation, put few ice cubes in a small plastic bag and put it on the over the spot where the gum to harden it. Once that happens, you should pick it up easy, without leaving any stains.
- Nail polish – Nail polish can be a real pain to get rid of. Some people suggest using a non-oily nail polish remover and applying it gently. Be careful though because it doesn’t suit all fabrics, so test it first. Once you’ve applied the nail polish remover, rinse the area.
- Red Wine – Typically regarded as the number one nightmare stubborn stain, but actually it can be effectively removed if you have the knowledge how and act quickly. First put a salt onto the stain. The purpose is to absorb the color, so the salt is supposed to turn a shade of pinky red. Next, immerse the cloth or saturate the carpet in cold water and add biological detergent. Let is stay overnight, or at least few hours, then wash the item as normal.
- Fruit juice – It’s amazing what pesky, unsightly stains a few drips of fruit juice can leave behind. As soon as you can, saturate the area with cold water. If the spot doesn’t seem to vanish, then rinse it in warm water containing a drop of detergent. Finally, give the carpet a thorough wash.
Corona Tile & Carpet Cleaning Location
Corona Tile & Carpet Cleaning Location
Corona, CA 92881
(951) 399-2426
Office Hours
Mo-Fr: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sa: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
So: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.